Tag: luxury polish brand
What to wear to your child’s Communion? Trendy blue styles for Communion 2023
How to dress fashionably and appropriately for your child’s Communion? What to look out for when preparing your styling for Communion 2023? Here are stylish blue women’s suits, dresses and outfits with skirt dedicated to Communion, christenings or birthdays from Polish designer Wladyslawa Frączek De Marco. Communion trends. How to dress for your child’s Communion?…
De Marco’s timeless style. Elegant black and white formal dress from the Polish designer
Elegant black and white formal dress, suit, costume or women’s suit from a Polish designer. When preparing for special appearances, family celebrations such as weddings, or important personal or professional events, we want to look special and unique. This can be achieved by enlisting the services of an acclaimed designer, who will help us choose…
Where to buy a suit or dress for a wedding for ladies 50+? Trendy ash styles for the 2023 wedding part 2
Where to buy a suit, a dress for a wedding for ladies over 40+ 50+, 60+, 70+? Where to buy an elegant suit for your wedding and reception? What to look for in building a grey-based styling? How do you create timeless, elegant styling for the Mum of the Wedding? We present our stylish looks…
What colour dresses for a wedding? What wedding dresses for a 50 year old woman? Trendy ash styles for wedding 2023 part 1
Elegant suits, beautiful formal ensembles and wedding dresses for a 50 year old, 60-year-olds, 70-year-olds How to dress for your son/daughter’s wedding? The most beautiful Polish styles for the mother of the groom or bride. Goethe, considered one of the founders of colour psychology, called it the ‘colour of the middle’. Ash, or light grey,…
The most beautiful styles for brides. De Marco wedding dresses
Pink wedding dress. Original blouse sets with fishnet skirt. Phenomenal boho styling. The most beautiful bridal styles. Original wedding dresses. Bespoke design and sewing at De Marco. A stunning and one-of-a-kind creation at your own wedding – this is every woman’s dream. In order to present yourself at your wedding and reception in a style…